Bespoke Design
Henry Ford certainly advanced the cause of mass
manufacturing, bringing previously out-of-reach
horseless carriages within grasp of the average
American buyer. His methods were quickly applied to
all manner of goods in all shapes and sizes, including
watches and jewelry.
There are advantages to mass production, not least of
which is availability. It democratized the ownership of
these previously dear items.
Some people, with means to do so, chose to bring their
chassis to an coach builder, thus resulting in a more
singular motorcar.
Sometimes, though, it’s not only about function and
access. The last decade or two has seen a resurgence of
interest in mechanical timepieces, and by extension,
in short manufacturing runs. An item which only
like-minded people would own, and although these
people may never actually meet, they share a kinship
in their affinities and recognition of an object as art.
Mont Blanc
Urban Speed
Audemars Piguet
Automatic Royal Oak
Blue Edition
Seamaster AquaTerra
James Bond Limited Edition