The craftsman watchmaker is a very lucky person
indeed. She or he works with passion and is
always expanding his/her knowledge and abilities.
Each completed timepiece is a source of pride and
accomplishment. Their work is truly personal, and
you can be certain that they will remember the
satisfaction of completing each piece. Some of
these chef-d’œuvres are signed, numbered or both.
They are so difficult to make that mass production
is out of the question.
Luckily, there are patrons who, while unable to
match the skills of the artisans reward them by
aquiring their works. We take great pleasure in
making some of these limited-run items available
to visitors in Sint-Maarten / Saint Martin and to
display a selection on these pages.
Chanel J12
Pastel Blue Bezel
David Yurman
Starburst Cluster Earrings
Marco Bicego
Lunaria Diamond Earrings
Happy Sport
Valentine’s Day